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Dim str_dispaly As String '定义回显字符

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.MSComm1.PortOpen = True

Me.Timer1.Interval = 100 '定时器时间间隔

Me.Timer1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

If MSComm1.InBufferCount 0 Then

str_dispaly = str_dispaly MSComm1.Input

Me.Text1.Text = str_display

End If

End Sub



或者使用Windows api函数



dim i,dt



do until i=20


if i=15 then

msgbox "采集数据"



end if



“GPS”即全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)。


“GPS”是20世纪70年代由美国陆海空三军联合研制的新一代空间卫星导航定位系统 。其主要目的是为陆、海、空三大领域提供实时、 全天候和全球性的导航服务,并用于情报收集、核爆监测和应急通讯等一些军事目的,是美国独霸全球战略的重要组成。经过20余年的研究实验,耗资300亿美元,到1994年3月,全球覆盖率高达98%的24颗GPS卫星星座己布设完成。

GPS全球卫星定位系统由三部分组成:空间部分———GPS星座;地面控制部分———地面监控系统;用户设备部分———GPS 信号接收机。



VB 串口数据采集



Private Sub Form_Load()

chaxun1 = "select * from jishijilu where gyh_riqi='" gongyi_sj(0) "-" record_rq "'order by shijian "

mdh = chaxun1

Adodc3.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Ldgz\wd.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"

Adodc3.RecordSource = mdh


zslNew = Adodc3.Recordset.RecordCount

Text4 = zslNew

If zslNew = 1 Then


For i = 0 To zslNew - 1

quexian(0, i) = Adodc3.Recordset(0)

For j = 2 To 9

quexian(j, i) = Adodc3.Recordset(j)

Next j


Next i


For j = 0 To zslNew - 1

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(2, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(2, j) * -30 + 3401), vbRed, BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(3, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(3, j) * -30 + 3401), QBColor(7), BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(4, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(4, j) * -30 + 3401), vbWhite, BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(5, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(5, j) * -30 + 3401), vbYellow, BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(6, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(6, j) * -30 + 3401), vbGreen, BF

If quexian(8, j) 1 Then

wy_wy = 0 + 166.7

br_br = 55

ElseIf quexian(8, j) = 1 And quexian(8, j) 10 Then

wy_wy = -1500 + 166.7

br_br = 5.5556

ElseIf quexian(8, j) = 10 And quexian(8, j) 100 Then

wy_wy = -3000 + 166.7

br_br = 0.5555

ElseIf quexian(8, j) = 100 And quexian(8, j) 1000 Then

wy_wy = -4500 + 166.7

br_br = 0.055555

End If

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(8, j) * br_br * -30 + wy_wy + 3397 + 3000)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(8, j) * br_br * -30 + wy_wy + 3403 + 3000), QBColor(11), BF

Next j

zslOld = zslNew

End If


Picture2.Height = 10000

Picture2.Visible = True

Picture1.Visible = True

colvb = vbWhite

xx = 100

yy = 150

txt = "℃"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 350

txt = "100"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 200

yy = 1850

txt = "50"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 3350

xx = 300

txt = "0"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 100

yy = 4850

txt = "-50"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 0

yy = 6350

txt = "-100"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 10800 + 100

yy = 150

txt = "℃"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 350

txt = "100"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 10800 + 200

yy = 1850

txt = "50"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 3350

xx = 10800 + 300

txt = "0"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 10800 + 100

yy = 4850

txt = "-50"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 10800 + 0

yy = 6350

txt = "-100"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)


colvb = vbRed

xx = 11400

yy = 150

txt = "Pa"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 350

txt = "1000"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 11500

yy = 1850

txt = "100"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 3350

xx = 11600

txt = "10"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 11700

yy = 4850

txt = "1"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 11500

yy = 6350

txt = "0.1"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 500

yy = 150

txt = "Pa"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 350

txt = "1000"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 150

xx = 2200

txt = "6hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 4000

txt = "12hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 5800

txt = "18hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 7600

txt = "24hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 9400

txt = "30hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 13000

txt = "42hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 14800

txt = "48hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 16600

txt = "54hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 18400

txt = "60hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 20200

txt = "66hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 22000

txt = "72hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 23800

txt = "78hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 25600

txt = "84hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 27400

txt = "90hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 29200

txt = "96hr"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 600

yy = 1850

txt = "100"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 3350

xx = 11600

txt = "10"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 700

yy = 4850

txt = "1"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 600

yy = 6350

txt = "0.1"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

xx = 22100

yy = 350

txt = "1000"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 1850

txt = " 100"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 3350

txt = " 10"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 4850

txt = " 1"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)

yy = 6350

txt = " 0.1"

wp = xp(colvb, xx, yy, txt)


Picture1.ForeColor = vbWhite

Picture1.Line (450, 700)-(500, 700)

Picture1.Line (450, 1000)-(500, 1000)

Picture1.Line (450, 1300)-(500, 1300)

Picture1.Line (450, 1600)-(500, 1600)

Picture1.ForeColor = vbRed

Picture1.Line (500, 566.7)-(550, 566.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 733.3)-(550, 733.3)

Picture1.Line (500, 900)-(550, 900)

Picture1.Line (500, 1066.7)-(550, 1066.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 1233.3)-(550, 1233.3)

Picture1.Line (500, 1400)-(550, 1400)

Picture1.Line (500, 1566.7)-(550, 1566.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 1733.3)-(550, 1733.3)

Picture1.Line (500, 2066.7)-(550, 2066.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 2233.3)-(550, 2233.3)

Picture1.Line (500, 2400)-(550, 2400)

Picture1.Line (500, 2566.7)-(550, 2566.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 2733.3)-(550, 2733.3)

Picture1.Line (500, 2900)-(550, 2900)

Picture1.Line (500, 3066.7)-(550, 3066.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 3233.3)-(550, 3233.3)

Picture1.Line (500, 3566.7)-(550, 3566.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 3733.3)-(550, 3733.3)

Picture1.Line (500, 3900)-(550, 3900)

Picture1.Line (500, 4066.7)-(550, 4066.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 4233.3)-(550, 4233.3)

Picture1.Line (500, 4400)-(550, 4400)

Picture1.Line (500, 4566.7)-(550, 4566.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 4733.3)-(550, 4733.3)

Picture1.Line (500, 5066.7)-(550, 5066.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 5233.3)-(550, 5233.3)

Picture1.Line (500, 5400)-(550, 5400)

Picture1.Line (500, 5566.7)-(550, 5566.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 5733.3)-(550, 5733.3)

Picture1.Line (500, 5900)-(550, 5900)

Picture1.Line (500, 6066.7)-(550, 6066.7)

Picture1.Line (500, 6233.3)-(550, 6233.3)

Picture1.ForeColor = vbWhite

Picture1.Line (450, 400)-(27500, 400)

Picture1.Line (450, 1900)-(27500, 1900)

Picture1.Line (450, 3400)-(27500, 3400)

Picture1.Line (450, 4900)-(27500, 4900)

Picture1.Line (450, 6400)-(27500, 6400)

Picture1.Line (450, 2200)-(500, 2200)

Picture1.Line (450, 2500)-(500, 2500)

Picture1.Line (450, 2800)-(500, 2800)

Picture1.Line (450, 3100)-(500, 3100)

Picture1.Line (450, 3700)-(500, 3700)

Picture1.Line (450, 4000)-(500, 4000)

Picture1.Line (450, 4300)-(500, 4300)

Picture1.Line (450, 4600)-(500, 4600)

Picture1.Line (450, 5200)-(500, 5200)

Picture1.Line (450, 5500)-(500, 5500)

Picture1.Line (450, 5800)-(500, 5800)

Picture1.Line (450, 6100)-(500, 6100)

Picture1.Line (500, 400)-(500, 6400)

Picture1.Line (500 + 0, 400)-(500 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (1400 + 0, 400)-(1400 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (2300 + 0, 400)-(2300 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (3200 + 0, 400)-(3200 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (4100 + 0, 400)-(4100 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (5000 + 0, 400)-(5000 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (5900 + 0, 400)-(5900 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (6800 + 0, 400)-(6800 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (7700 + 0, 400)-(7700 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (8600 + 0, 400)-(8600 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (9500 + 0, 400)-(9500 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (10400 + 0, 400)-(10400 + 0, 6400)

Picture1.Line (11300, 400)-(11300, 6400)

Picture1.Line (12200, 400)-(12200, 6400)

Picture1.Line (13100, 400)-(13100, 6400)

Picture1.Line (14000, 400)-(14000, 6400)

Picture1.Line (14900, 400)-(14900, 6400)

Picture1.Line (15800, 400)-(15800, 6400)

Picture1.Line (16700, 400)-(16700, 6400)

Picture1.Line (17600, 400)-(17600, 6400)

Picture1.Line (18500, 400)-(18500, 6400)

Picture1.Line (19400, 400)-(19400, 6400)

Picture1.Line (20300, 400)-(20300, 6400)

Picture1.Line (21200, 400)-(21200, 6400)

Picture1.Line (22100, 400)-(22100, 6400)

Picture1.Line (23000, 400)-(23000, 6400)

Picture1.Line (23900, 400)-(23900, 6400)

Picture1.Line (24800, 400)-(24800, 6400)

Picture1.Line (25700, 400)-(25700, 6400)

Picture1.Line (26600, 400)-(26600, 6400)

Picture1.Line (27500, 400)-(27500, 6400)

Picture1.Line (0 * 5 + 500, 3400 - b(0) * 30)-(c(1) * 5 + 500, 3400 - b(0) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(1) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(1) * 30)-(c(2) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(1) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(2) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(2) * 30)-(c(3) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(2) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(3) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(3) * 30)-(c(4) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(3) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(4) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(4) * 30)-(c(5) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(4) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(5) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(5) * 30)-(c(6) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(5) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(6) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(6) * 30)-(c(7) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(6) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(7) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(7) * 30)-(c(8) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(7) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(8) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(8) * 30)-(c(9) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(8) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(9) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(9) * 30)-(c(10) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(9) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(10) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(10) * 30)-(c(11) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(10) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(11) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(11) * 30)-(c(12) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(11) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(12) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(12) * 30)-(c(13) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(12) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(13) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(13) * 30)-(c(14) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(13) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(14) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(14) * 30)-(c(15) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(14) * 30), QBColor(12)

Picture1.Line (c(15) * 5 + 498, 3400 - b(15) * 30)-(c(16) * 5 + 502, 3400 - b(15) * 30), QBColor(12)

chaxun1 = "select * from jishijilu where gyh_riqi='" gongyi_sj(0) "-" record_rq "'order by shijian "

mdh = chaxun1

Adodc3.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Ldgz\wd.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"

Adodc3.RecordSource = mdh


zslNew = Adodc3.Recordset.RecordCount

Text4 = zslNew

If zslNew = 1 Then


For i = 0 To zslNew - 1

quexian(0, i) = Adodc3.Recordset(0)

For j = 2 To 7

quexian(j, i) = Adodc3.Recordset(j)

Next j


Next i


For j = 0 To zslNew - 1

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(2, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(2, j) * -30 + 3401), vbRed, BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(3, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(3, j) * -30 + 3401), QBColor(7), BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(4, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(4, j) * -30 + 3401), vbWhite, BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(5, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(5, j) * -30 + 3401), vbYellow, BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(6, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(6, j) * -30 + 3401), vbGreen, BF

If quexian(8, j) 1 Then

wy_wy = 0 + 166.7

br_br = 55

ElseIf quexian(8, j) = 1 And quexian(8, j) 10 Then

wy_wy = -1500 + 166.7

br_br = 5.5556

ElseIf quexian(8, j) = 10 And quexian(8, j) 100 Then

wy_wy = -3000 + 166.7

br_br = 0.5555

ElseIf quexian(8, j) = 100 And quexian(8, j) 1000 Then

wy_wy = -4500 + 166.7

br_br = 0.055555

End If

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(8, j) * br_br * -30 + wy_wy + 3397 + 3000)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(8, j) * br_br * -30 + wy_wy + 3403 + 3000), QBColor(11), BF

Next j

zslOld = zslNew

End If

zslOld = zslNew

End Sub


Private Sub cmdRef_Click()

chaxun1 = "select * from jishijilu where gyh_riqi='" gongyi_sj(0) "-" record_rq "'order by shijian "

mdh = chaxun1

Adodc3.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Ldgz\wd.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"

Adodc3.RecordSource = mdh


zslNew = Adodc3.Recordset.RecordCount

Text4 = zslNew

If zslNew 1 Then


For j = 2 To 7

quexian(j, i) = Adodc3.Recordset(j)

Next j

Picture2.Height = 10000

Picture1.Visible = True

If zslOld = 1 Then

For j = zslOld - 1 To zslNew - 1

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(2, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(2, j) * -30 + 3401), vbRed, BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(3, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(3, j) * -30 + 3401), QBColor(7), BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(4, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(4, j) * -30 + 3401), vbWhite, BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(5, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(5, j) * -30 + 3401), vbYellow, BF

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(6, j) * -30 + 3399)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(6, j) * -30 + 3401), vbGreen, BF

If quexian(8, j) 1 Then

wy_wy = 0 + 166.7

br_br = 55

ElseIf quexian(8, j) = 1 And quexian(8, j) 10 Then

wy_wy = -1500 + 166.7

br_br = 5.5556

ElseIf quexian(8, j) = 10 And quexian(8, j) 100 Then

wy_wy = -3000 + 166.7

br_br = 0.5555

ElseIf quexian(8, j) = 100 And quexian(8, j) 1000 Then

wy_wy = -4500 + 166.7

br_br = 0.055555

End If

Picture1.Line (j * 5 + 500, quexian(8, j) * br_br * -30 + wy_wy + 3395 + 3000)-(j * 5 + 500, quexian(8, j) * br_br * -30 + wy_wy + 3405 + 3000), QBColor(11), BF

Next j

End If


cmdPrint.Enabled = True

End If

zslOld = zslNew

End Sub


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